Everything is never as it seems...
The Chronicles of
Still Curious? Meet the Characters!
Did you know that every single person that is involved in this story, wants to tell you who they are? Well sadly they can't walk up to you and talk, but I want to help you get to know some of them without reading their stories. Even though, it would be very helpful for you to read the actual book, I'm sure that we will all be happy by just doing this! Enjoy!

Alice Rosemarie Lee
Alice Lee is, or was, a human being, living in the Bronx of New York with her brother. Her parents died when she was five during a terrible car accident. After a horrid experience in a foster home, Alice's older brother took the parenting role of raising her. Everythin about her normal life changed when she was out at the same time the Chemi-Terrorists roam at night. With one touch, she became one of them.

Red Elizabeth Brown
Red Brown's mother died when she was young, which left her to be raised by her devil of a father. Her father was a Chemi-Terrorist, but he worked for the people, C.T.O., who strived to destroy his kind. Red soon began to work by her father's side as an assassin. Red isn't one to talk about her past, so not much is really known about her. All that is for sure is that Red is definantly not working for the C.T.O. anymore.

Gwendolyn Elena Vivien
Gwen is a very intelligent nurse who helps Alice and the rest of the Conduits, by nuturing the injured back to their normal health. She cares deeply for the people around her, so when she needs to, she will become a therapist. Gwen's family lives across the country in California, awaiting her return once the Chemi-Terrorists are accepted back into society.

Jo Hill
Jo Hill was one of the first of the Conduits to show the world what they can do. No one really knows who she is. There are a few rumors that she changed her name and left her family to keep secrecy about her real identity.

John Buck & Lewis Mickey Gresh
These two brothers are very close. Even though in the book, Alice: The Leader they aren't mentioned much, they had a major role in Alice's new, not normal life.

William Crawford Bones
Will Bones is the classic mysterious, handsome, older guy that the girl always falls for. Will has no idea whom his biological parent are; for he was adopted by a gay couple. His father's both died in a similar car accident that Alice's parent's fell dead to. After his parent's died, Will was sent to a boarding school. There he made two best friends, and fell in love. Later, Will was kidnapped by a group of Chemi-Terrorists who taught him to become who he is today.

Eric Nico Lee
Eric Lee is Alice's older brother, by two years. He was born with a kind soul, and a protective stance when it comes to family. Eric very normal, and has a light spirit, along with a comforting humor that always helps Alice. To everyones eyes, Eric becomes the King of Hope.

Chuck John Anderson
Chuck Anderson is a large, tough looking teddy bear, with an impressive mustahce, and an amazing grammar, along with vocabulary. Chuck is loved by all, and loves all. He is certainly, the teddy bear of the Chemi-Terrorists.

Samuel Hunter Ray
Sam Ray is a big bundle of joy, with his little sister to keep him company. His parents died the same way Will's and Alice's parent's died. In a fatal car accident. His happiness and abundant joy seems to become a nusance to most, but to Alice, he is a beacon of light.

Trenton Lake
Trenton is a quiet, and shy young man who works alongside Gwen as a nurse.